Google Docs - What's new?

Every time I turn around, Google Docs has made some more improvements. Most people still use commercial products (can't name names) they've downloaded to a computer because it's comfortable. STOP! Use your Google Docs instead! For a free product, it's pretty impressive. AND, as long as you can get to the Internet, you can get to your documents. No viruses, no incompatible formatting. The wave of the future!

YAllapolooza! Phoenix Public Library

YAllapolooza! January 28th, 2012 - meet some of your favorite YA Authors at Burton Barr Central Library. Yippee!!

Young Adult literature. Only louder.
Hang with your favorite YA authors, enjoy pizza, and get books autographed. Participating authors include: CJ Hill, James A. Owen, Tom Leveen, Adam Rex, Janette Rallison, Robin Brande, Amy Fellner Dominy, Aprilynne Pike, Bree Despain, Cecil Castelucci, Kiersten White, Anna Carey.
Books from partcipating authors will be available for purchase from Changing Hands Bookstore at Burton Barr Central Library on the day of the event.
YAllapolooza is presented by Changing Hands Bookstore and Phoenix Public Library.

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