This is What a Librarian Looks Like

Now searching for the best picture to add to this site.  Which one?  Which one?

As promised, Steampunk Book Trailer

Little blog, you haven't been forgotten

So little time to take care of this blog, much as I want to.  Some librarians like the title "technological bibliophile".  That's our library.  Technology!  Books!  Technology!  Books!  So little time!  

We have embarked on a major weeding project, leading to remodeling frenzy.  Our nonfiction collection is about 20 years old.  Why?  Money, it's always money, so let's not even go there.  But, that's okay.  So much of what can be found in our nonfiction books can be just as readily found on the Internet, and it's more up to date.  We're pulling books that haven't been checked out in YEARS.  I will continue working with students to make sure they are finding credible sources, even if it's rarely opening up a book lately.  Being a librarian continues to be about teaching information literacy, regardless of the delivery.  So, we are removing nonfiction books by the hundreds.  As shelves empty, a wonderful volunteer called Mr. Stratner is remodeling them, and we will eventually rearrange them.  So, don't mind the noise and the mess (although you probably haven't noticed, since the library is always noisy and messy anyway).  Hopefully by next school year, you will LOVE it!

When all this slows down a bit, I have lots of ideas for more blog posts.  Steampunk.  Books that have changed my life.  Book trailers.  QR Codes.  Oh, it keeps me up at night, thinking of all these ideas.

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