So I have this little story. Last fall, in the doldrums because our budget had been frozen, and my kiddos made such sad faces when I told them I couldn't get them the book they wanted, I decided I would start creating book trailers. I figured, it's free, and maybe I'll generate some interest in the books we already own. We owned several copies of "If I Die in Juarez" by Stella Pope Duarte, because the year before we had read it in a book club.
It was a fun project. I found pictures and music on Creative Commons and started putting it together in iMovie. Although Stella is a best-selling, nationally known author, she is totally accessible. She answers her own e-mail, so when I wrote her and asked for permission to use the cover of the book, she wrote back and said yes. I was pretty happy with my finished product. Finally got brave and uploaded it to YouTube
Here comes one of the best parts. Once Stella saw it, she really, really liked it. She felt as though I had captured the essence of her story. That was so gratifying to me - that the author approved of what I had done.
It gets better! Stella came and talked to our social studies classes a few weeks ago, and is coming back again soon. Our students were enthralled with her message of perseverance and hard work. Unfortunately, I missed it because I was working in the technology department that week.
But wait! There's more! Stella has a new book just out "Women Who Live in Coffee Shops, and other stories". It's a collection of 13 short stories, centered around the people who live in the area of 7th Street and Van Buren in Phoenix, with children as narrators. I went out to Changing Hands bookstore in Tempe tonight to hear Stella speak. She is indeed funny and interesting. I finally got a chance to buy a copy so I can start reading it. But this is MY copy because it's signed. We'll have to figure out how to get some money for more copies for the library. So, I'm waiting in line with my copy. Stella is signing books and having a little conversation with each person. I walk up and say my name is JJ. She starts to write it, and jumps up and hugs me. She then tells everyone in line about the video, and everyone's smiling and nodding. Here's the picture of your local librarian and a famous author. I'm the one who's grinning from ear to ear.